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The figure has a box center top containing the text Risk(m). To the immediate left of that box is the letter w with an arrow pointing from it to the letter m =.316. There is an arrow leading from the bottom right of the Risk (m) box down to a box containing the text Sexting Experience (y). Next to that arrow is text reading b=.038. To the left of the Sexting Experience (y) box is a box containing the text Approach Motives (x). An arrow leads from it to the Sexting Experience (y) box, and under that arrow is the text c'=.151. There is also an arrow leading from the top right corner of the Approach Motives (x) box up to the Risk (m) box. To the right of that arrow is the text a=.079. Above the Approach Motives (x) box is a box containing the text Permanence (w). An arrow connects that box to the arrow between Approach Motives (x) and Risk (m). Next to the Permancent (w) arrow is the letter w with an arrow pointing from it to the letters xm=-.116. Note. Mediation moderation model uses the subset of participants (<em>N</em> = 91) who believed it was never okay to share sexts and Hayes’ Model 7. Approach motives and sexting experiences are mean-centered, and avoidance motives serve as a control/covariate.